12 Typical Lampung Foods That are Rarely Known

12 Typical Lampung Foods That are Rarely Known

Delicious Dish of Lampung Specialties Enjoyed with Sango Durian. IMAGES/YouTube @TRANS7 Official --

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6. Segubal

This typical Lampung food is made from the basic ingredients of coconut milk and glutinous rice and then wrapped in banana leaves.

How to make segubal: it is cooked and steamed for 8 to 10 hours. This segubal is also suitable to be eaten with rendang seasoning, chili sauce, or even sticky rice tape.

7. Sambal Tamarind Flower

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Each region certainly has its own characteristic chili sauce. Lampung itself has a distinctive chili sauce, namely tamarind chili sauce.

This tamarind sauce is prepared from shrimp paste with the addition of young mango, or flower fruit, which is ground together.

This tamarind chili is suitable as a mixture of foods such as grilled fish, fried foods, and others.

8. Curry Balak

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Balak curry is a typical Lampung food that is a mainstay when the Eid moment arrives or for daily side dishes.

Balak curry is made from a mixture of chilies, mutton or beef, and coconut milk. Because it contains deaf, cloves, cardamom, nutmeg, shallots, and garlic, it has a distinct flavor.

9. Pandap

Pandap is also a typical Lampung food that is rarely found. Pandap itself comes from the West Lampung area.

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