12 Typical Lampung Foods That are Rarely Known

12 Typical Lampung Foods That are Rarely Known

Delicious Dish of Lampung Specialties Enjoyed with Sango Durian. IMAGES/YouTube @TRANS7 Official --

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Pandap's management process is by steaming. At first glance, Pandap and Pepes are almost the same, but both are different.

Pepe uses fairly large fish and fine spices, whereas Panda uses smaller fish and then adds Chinese petai and spices.

10. Benjak Enjak Cake

This Benjak Enjak cake is a typical Lampung cake whose shape is similar to a diamond or sweet sticky rice.

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The ingredients for making this cake are sticky rice, old plantains, granulated sugar, and banana leaves to wrap it.

11. Lampung Geguduh Cake

Geguduh cake is one of Lampung's typical cakes, made from mashed bananas.

Geguduh cake is almost the same as the usual fried bananas, but what distinguishes these two cakes is the way they are made.

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Geguduh cake has a sweet taste and a soft but crunchy texture.

12. Lepot Tapai

Lepot tapai is a traditional cake originating from the city of Tanggamus, Lampung.

Lepot tapai cake is a unique food because it is only made from coconut milk.

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