Check the Facts About West Lampung Coffee Bean Production

Coffee. Ilustration/PIxabay--
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Robusta coffee beans are the most popular coffee beans from the local district because they have a bitter taste and an earthy, nutty aroma, making them the most favorite type of coffee.
3. Become an example of a national coffee plantation.
Coffee plantations are the main source of livelihood for the people of West Lampung. The persistence of farmers in seeking information about the coffee planting system is also one of the reasons why this area is the leading coffee plantation in the country.
Not surprisingly, this area has been named as the best coffee plantation example for Lampung province, even at the national level, in terms of increasing coffee production and quality.
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4. Its export value is high.
The yields of coffee plantations in West Lampung are considered good in terms of quality. Not only domestically, coffee products are exported to foreign countries with quite high export figures.
Starting at 91 million dollars, this export value supports the coffee community in the West Lampung area to continuously improve quality and remain a source of economic income.
5. Delectable Taste at Reasonable Prices
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The price of coffee in West Lampung varies greatly. The more the plants are cared for properly, the fruit is picked properly, and the handling process is optimal, then the price of coffee will naturally be higher.
An important note: the price of West Lampung coffee will not exceed the price of Arabica coffee. For certainty, you can observe the price of Lampung Robusta coffee in several coffee shops.
Moreover, the type of robusta coffee from Lampung that is sold is a special grade with a unique and delicious taste. Of course, the value is quite high.
Naturally, the taste is classy. That is a unique fact: West Lampung Province produces superior national coffee beans that are well known in foreign countries. (*)
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