Herbal Plants Can Be Dangerous? This Group Should Avoid It’s Consumption

Dangers of herbal-based medicines. Ilustration/Pixabay.com--
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In this case, consumers of herbal plants must pay attention to information and explanations related to herbal plant ingredients that will be used later.
This is intended so that when the user decides which herbal ingredients to use for the treatment to be carried out.
So it is advisable not to use herbal ingredients as the main treatment but only use them as supporting medicinal ingredients.
Then the dosage or method of consumption must also be in accordance with the information provided when buying it.
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Information on each drug using any ingredients must be considered so that unwanted and detrimental things do not occur.
Even though it is made from herbal plants, the information and suggestions for use must be read carefully and thoroughly.
This is done in an effort to prevent allergic reactions due to taking herbal medicines.
On the other hand, as previously reported by Radarlampung.co.id, there are several herbal plants that are often used as basic ingredients in traditional medicine and have good properties for the health of the body.
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The first is the herbal plant ginseng. Who doesn't know ginseng? Herbal plants whose roots are often used as ingredients to overcome various health complaints
Ginseng root has often been used as an ingredient in herbal medicine to treat various health complaints in the human body.
Ginseng root extract is considered to be able to increase body immunity, brain function, and energy.
The antioxidant content of ginseng is also claimed to be able to reduce inflammation in the body.
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