Don't Throw It! This Plant is Beneficial for Health

Ketumpang Air, which is often considered a weed, actually has health benefits. PIXABAY.COM'S PHOTO--
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Ketumpang Air leaves contain minerals that can help the bones heal faster.
Someone who is in the process of healing bones can consume this Chinese betel or Tumpang Air leaf extract.
The plant has anti-inflammatory properties that can relieve symptoms of inflammation and swelling.
- Treat cancer
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This plant that is often considered a weed is actually quite effective in preventing and fighting cancer cells. The trick is to eat the leaves.
Tumpang Air leaves can also be relied upon to inhibit the growth of various pathogens, from bacteria to free radical compounds that can damage body cells.
- Anti-fungal
Another benefit is obtained from the anti-fungal properties of Ketumpang Air. That can fight the growth of fungi that trigger the emergence of various diseases.
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As for those who have skin problems, You can try treatment by consuming the leaves of the Tumpang Air plant.
- Cure urinary system disorders
In several countries in Asia, such as the Philippines, this plant is often used to treat kidney or urinary diseases.
You do this by drinking boiled water from the leaves of Ketumpang Air or Chinese Betel. The herbal medicine turned out to be quite reliable.
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