10 Unusual Culinary Experiences Only in Indonesia!

10 Unusual Culinary Experiences Only in Indonesia!

Cat rise or nasi kucing, one of Indonesian unique culinary. Photo/Instagram @nasikucingnona--

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID -  As a country rich in spices, it is certainly not surprising that Indonesia has delicious and unique food.

From Sabang to Merauke, all regions have unique dishes that stand out with their own flavors.

Reporting from traveloka.com, Radarlampung.co.id has summarized the culinary tourism destinations that you must try!

1. Ampiang Dadiah

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This West Sumatran food is one of the typical Indonesian dishes.

This Indonesian specialty consists of ampiang and curd.

Ampiang itself is a food made from glutinous rice and pounded, while dadih is fermented buffalo milk.

This curd is prepared in the traditional Minangkabau way, stored in bamboo strips, and preserved for several nights.

BACA JUGA: 3 Culinary Recommendations for Sate Meranggi in Bandar Lampung You Must Try

2. Snail Curry

Slightly different from snails, which have a smaller size and taste delicious,

In the Tanjung Pinang area of the Riau Archipelago, this unique culinary preparation is quite popular.

3. Tempoyak

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