Mother Must Know! Here's How to Clean a Baby's Tongue the Right Way

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID - One of the important steps in maintaining a baby's health is to clean the baby's body in the right way.
To clean all the equipment in an effort to maintain the health of your baby, you really need to pay attention.
Mothers at home must know how to clean a baby's body parts, such as the tongue, in the right way.
Cleaning the tongue in infants can be an effort to maintain the health of the baby's teeth and mouth.
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Most groups of parents, especially mothers, will clean their baby's tongue using a toothbrush on the back.
But in this case, it is very important to pay attention in order to know whether it is the right way or not.
Reported by from the alodokter page on April 7, 2023. Your baby's dental and oral health will have a significant impact on his or her development.
Apart from interfering with the process of eating and drinking for your little one, a dirty tongue with piles of leftover milk can also increase the risk of developing a yeast infection on the baby's tongue.
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Therefore, cleaning the baby's tongue must be done properly. This, of course, must also be adjusted for the age of the baby itself.
For example, a baby aged 0 to 6 months is at that age. Babies can only consume breast milk, formula milk, or a combination of the two.
To clean the tongue of babies with an age range of 0 to 6 months, it must be done with hands that are clean from germs.
Wash your hands first with soap and running water.
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