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Recognizing Anemia in Adolescents: Causes and Ways of Prevention

Recognizing Anemia in Adolescents: Causes and Ways of Prevention

Causes and ways to prevent anemia in the adolescent age group. ILLUSTRATIONS/PHOTOS PIXABAY.com--

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When red blood cells get stuck in blood vessels, the negative impact causes tissue damage and blood clots, which are certainly dangerous to health.

In addition, several chronic diseases and infections can also trigger anemia in adolescents.

Both can trigger anemia because they damage the production of red blood cells so that their numbers are reduced or abnormal.

Chronic diseases and infections that usually trigger anemia include autoimmune diseases such as lupus, rheumatoid arthritis, and Sjogren's syndrome.

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Then there are also other diseases such as malaria, leukemia, thalassemia, and infection with the Epstein-Barr virus (EBV), which can cause damage to red blood cells.

And what's worse, this disease makes cells die faster than they can form themselves.

Meanwhile, to prevent anemia in adolescents, this vulnerable age group must be able to meet iron needs.

There are several foods that contain iron and can be used as an option to prevent anemia, namely red meat, chicken, fish, tofu, eggs, cereals, and legumes.

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To prevent anemia, it is also recommended to consume fruits and vegetables rich in vitamin C, such as oranges, guavas, and broccoli, which can help the body absorb iron.

Avoid consuming coffee and tea with meals. This is because both are types of drinks that can make it difficult for the body to absorb iron.

Then the last one is especially for young girls. They have to monitor the menstrual cycle, from the length of time the woman is bleeding to the amount of blood that comes out.

As a step in preventing anemia in their teens, in addition to adopting a good diet. Adopting a healthy lifestyle is also mandatory, such as exercising.

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