Take Note: These are 6 Hotels in Lampung That are Close to The Beach

Kamis 29-12-2022,22:00 WIB
Reporter : Ajeng Monika Selis

Having the feel of exotic natural beauty is the main attraction for tourists who want to stay overnight while on vacation at beautiful beaches.

Hotel Beocean Krui provides direct access to the stunning and captivating view of Walur Beach.

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The swift waves of sea water and the soft white sand make anyone who visits feel satisfied.

for those of you who don't like surfing. Visitors can swim in the swimming pool at Beocean Krui.

At night, you can also enjoy the calm atmosphere of Krui while feeling the cool breeze.

So, that's some information about 6 hotels in Lampung, complete with beautiful beach holiday tours. Enjoy your life! (*)

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