BACA JUGA: 12 Makanan dan Minuman Khas Lampung yang Wajib Kalian Tahu, No.3 Paling Populer
2. Soto Lamongan
Soto Lamongan is a type of soto originating from Lamongan, East Java, Indonesia. Soto Lamongan has a distinctive taste and is a popular food among the locals.
The main ingredients in making soto lamongan are beef, sago flour, meatballs, tofu, and spices such as shallots, garlic, kencur, and lime leaves. Soto Lamongan sauce is typical, with a savory taste and a strong aroma of spices.
Soto Lamongan is usually served with white rice and crackers as an accompaniment. Soto Lamongan is also often served as a lunch dish and can be found in traditional food stalls or restaurants in Lamongan.
As a variation, some regions also add eggs, vegetables, or other ingredients to lamongan soup. Soto Lamongan has a unique taste and is a good choice for people who are looking for delicious traditional East Javanese dishes.
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3. Soto Lentok
Soto Lenthok is a type of soto originating from Cirebon, West Java, Indonesia. Soto Lenthok has a distinctive taste and is a popular food among the local people.
The main ingredients for making Soto Lenthok are beef, sago flour, meatballs, tofu, and spices such as shallots, garlic, ginger, and lime leaves. Soto Lenthok sauce is typical, with a savory taste and a strong aroma of spices.
Soto Lenthok is usually served with white rice and crackers as an accompaniment. Soto Lenthok is also often served as a lunch dish and can be found in traditional food stalls or restaurants in Cirebon.
As a variation, some regions also add eggs, vegetables, or other ingredients to Soto Lenthok. Soto Lenthok has a unique taste and is the choice for people who are looking for delicious traditional West Javanese dishes.
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4. Soto Kudus
Soto Kudus is a type of soto originating from Kudus, Central Java, Indonesia. Soto Kudus has a distinctive taste and is a popular food among the locals.
The main ingredients for making soto kudus are beef, sago flour, meatballs, tofu, and spices such as shallots, garlic, ginger, and lime leaves. The soto kudus sauce is typical, with a savory taste and a strong aroma of spices.