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Here's How to Relieve Menstrual Pain

Here's How to Relieve Menstrual Pain

Compressing the stomach with a pad filled with warm water can help relieve menstrual pain. Illustration/Pixabay.com--

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Next is to pay attention to your diet by avoiding certain foods or drinks.

Some foods and drinks that must be avoided or limited are those that can cause flatulence or excess body fluids.

These foods and drinks include fatty foods, drinks containing caffeine or alcohol, carbonated drinks, and salty foods.

Instead, you can consume tea with a mixture of ginger or mint leaves to relieve pain and prevent flatulence during menstruation.

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In addition, to reduce menstrual pain, one should eat nutritious foods such as fruits, vegetables, nuts, dark chocolate, eggs, milk, yogurt, or fish.

Also, do relaxation techniques such as meditation, Pilates, and yoga to help distract you from pain during menstruation.

In one study, women who regularly exercised for at least 30 minutes, three days a week, experienced significant improvements in menstrual pain symptoms.

Exercise can also help improve mood, energy, and enthusiasm for carrying out routines and maintaining an ideal body weight.

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But if the menstrual pain that you feel still doesn't subside, Try taking pain relievers such as ibuprofen or paracetamol.

Those are some things you can do to relieve pain during menstruation. (*)

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