Easy but Difficult To Do Consistently, Here’s How To Avoid The Risk of Obesity

Easy but Difficult To Do Consistently, Here’s How To Avoid The Risk of Obesity

Exercising regularly can help avoid the risk of obesity. Ilustrasi/Pixabay--

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If you want to avoid the risk of experiencing obesity, which can increase your risk of contracting this infectious disease,

Then you can avoid the symptoms of obesity by managing a healthy and stable diet first.

Continue to exercise regularly, and don't stay up too late because it can cause the body to lack energy due to lack of sleep.

Not only that, don't forget to control stress by doing positive activities that can make you feel calm and happy.

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Then routinely measure the abdominal circumference every month. For women, the ideal abdominal circumference is 80 cm, while for men it is 90cm.

Even though it seems easy to do, the consistency with which it is done still determines the results of efforts to avoid the risk of developing obesity symptoms.

According to Radarlampung.co.id, which was summarized from the alodokter.com page.

Obesity is a condition where fat accumulates in the body, which causes more calories to be consumed than burned.

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Not only being overweight, obesity is also characterized by a body mass index (BMI) value of 30 or more.

Common symptoms of people who are obese are sweating easily, visible fat accumulation in several areas of the body, fatigue easily, and joint pain.

The most common cause of obesity is consuming fast food or drinks containing added sugar over a long period of time.

If someone consumes fast food or drinks that contain lots of sugar, then that can be a factor causing obesity.

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