Hight Mortality Rate: Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Warns of the Marburg Virus

Virus Ilustration. Images/Pixabay.com--
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Not only that, there is no specific drug that can be used to treat people who are infected with the Marburg virus.
Treatment due to this virus is still symptomatic or supportive.
The purpose of symptomatic or supportive treatment is to treat complications and maintain fluid and electrolyte balance in the body.
In this case, the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia (Kemenkes RI) continues to make improvements related to supervision.
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Although, until now, there have been no reports of cases of disease caused by the Marburg virus in Indonesia, the Indonesian Ministry of Health will still supervise the flow of people.
That means tourists or immigrants from countries that have been infected or Indonesian citizens (WNI) who have just returned from that country.
Not only people, but goods brought from infected countries still need strict supervision to prevent the risk of being affected by the virus.
As additional information, the Marburg virus has an incubation period of around 2 to 21 days.
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Then the symptoms are similar to those of typhus accompanied by dengue fever.
If it is in the most severe stage, the patient infected with the Marburg virus will experience bleeding in several places or parts of the body.
It is important to remember that the most fatal stage for a patient with the Marburg virus is death.
Such is important information about health related to the Marburg virus, which has a high fatality rate and is dangerous. (*)
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