Check Out the Following Explanation: Too Long Sitting Can Cause a Distended Stomach

Check Out the Following Explanation: Too Long Sitting Can Cause a Distended Stomach

A distended stomach is one of the bad effects of sitting too long. Photo/

BANDAR LAMPUNG, RADARLAMPUNG.CO.ID – Can you count how much time you spend sitting in a day?

Sitting for too long turns out to have the potential to cause harm to the health of the human body.

There are many possible health problems that can harm the body due to sitting too long.

It should be noted that sitting too long can cause health problems, one of which is a distended stomach.

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When sitting, of course, the body is less active so that it makes the muscles and joints weak and stiff.

The bad effects of sitting too long can also slow down the course of metabolic processes in the body.

The result of sitting too long will have an impact on disrupting the body's performance in regulating blood pressure and blood sugar levels in the body.

The process of burning fat that should be smooth can also be disrupted by sitting too long without doing activities.

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When a person sits for too long, it can cause reduced release of molecules such as lipoprotein lipase.

For information, this lipoprotein lipase molecule has the function of processing body fat and sugar.

If that happens, then your body is likely to get metabolic syndrome which can cause a bloated stomach.

In addition, sitting for a long time will affect the performance of the hip and back muscles.

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