Various Benefits of Lemongrass for Body Health

Lemongrass or lemongrass stems have various benefits in their extracts. Photo/
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Not only that, but lemongrass can also slow down bowel movements so that the frequency of excessive bowel movements during diarrhea can be reduced.
There are also other digestive disorders that can be overcome by consuming lemongrass extract, such as stomach aches, stomach cramps, and ulcers in the stomach.
In a study, it was stated that the essential oil contained in lemongrass can help protect the stomach lining from damage caused by aspirin.
For information, consuming aspirin excessively and continuously without a doctor's supervision can cause frequent stomach ulcers.
This is because lemongrass also contains the eugenol compound, which has an effect similar to aspirin and often causes headaches and migraines.
Then the potassium content and saponin antioxidants contained in lemongrass extract are considered to be able to help lower blood pressure.
The two good compounds contained in lemongrass will later dilate blood vessels and reduce high blood pressure, or hypertension.
The content of antioxidants such as quercetin in lemongrass extract can play a role in fighting free radicals.
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If there is inflammation, then it can trigger a blockage in the blood vessels in the heart, which we know as atherosclerosis.
In addition, inhaling oil made from citronella extract is believed to reduce stress and symptoms of anxiety in a person.
In a study, it was revealed that inhaling citronella oil can be used as aromatherapy, which makes the body more relaxed and less tense and helps it recover more quickly from situations or conditions that can trigger anxiety.
Nevertheless, consuming lemongrass as herbal medicine must remain under the supervision of a doctor or expert in the health sector.
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